Toy Story Midway Mania

With the recent anouncment of a Toy Story Land coming to Hollywood Studios and Toy Story 4, it seems fitting to do a post on the popular Toy Story Midway Mania attraction in Hollywood Studios.


Toy Story Mania opened seven years ago in Pixar Place. This attraction is a bit difficult to explain. It’s 3D, it’s a video game, and it’s a ride. There is some spinning but it’s not bad at all. It’s very smooth. When you get in your vehicle,there is a pop gun in front of you. To shoot, you pull the string on the back of the gun. Though the gun technically doesn’t shoot anything, as the whole attraction is virtual. You aim it at the targets on the screen and shoot. Some targets are worth more points than others. The gun shoots something different every game. Sometimes it’s pies, sometimes darts, and sometimes you shoot rings around the little green aliens!  It’s a lot like Buzz Lightyear’s Space Ranger Spin in Magic Kingdom, except this ones targets and lasers are virtual and 3D.




This ride probably has one of the longest lines in all of  Disney World, so definitely Fastpass this one!

Toy Story Mania is a great ride and a definite must do!